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Философия тренинга от Crusher'a

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прилагаю две брошюры последователя Винса Жиронды, чтобы были всегда под рукой.


Ссылка на скан книги самого Жиронды:



А я бы попробовал. Обязательно попробовал.


Данная философия очень схожа с моей. Спина зачёт, идёт прям к талии.. изначально было удачное строение или удалось именно пуловерами и прочими извращениями сделать такой низ?)


За годы с наработал кое-какую спину, в основном верхнюю часть вокруг лопаток. Над низом прицельно трудился последние года два и думаю, что развил его где-то процентов на 30 от потенциала. Собственно, извращения нужны, чтобы "удивить" мышцу непривычными углами и режимом работы, долго они не работают.


Сколько вес на фотках где спина показана?


Вес и объемы не записываю, взвешиваюсь от случая к случаю - бывает раз в месяц, иногда раз в полгода.

Скачет в районе 83-86 кг. Сейчас жара, футбол - вешу 84.

Максимальный вес был 87 - это период без футбола был. Сейчас плечи, руки практически не тренирую, подкачиваю раз в неделю-две парой подходов.


  Champion bodybuilders definitely possess something unique. They may work out set for set, rep for rep, with training partners, sometimes over a period of years. Even eating patterns
may be identical ... yet the champion advances while the training partner may not. I have noticed that the champion ·is using something more than the sets and reps his partner is
using- and it has nothing to do with genetic superiority. He is using mental suggestion-a form of self-hypnosis.
  Every scientist knows that the mind can rule the body if the thought is strong enough. Consider the illness and even death that stress and fear can cause . . . the vigor and energy
produced by excitement. Yes, the mind's power is awesome!

  The first time I noticed a bodybuilder using his mind in a concentrated way was backstage at an important physique event in California. The man was Walt Baptiste, a former gym owner and magazine (Body Moderne) publisher from San Francisco. Before going out to guest pose, Walt would touch his abdominals, looking at them
with immense concentration to control and define them. Today this is nothing new. All successful bodybuilders try to visualize their muscles, not just backstage before a contest, but also
during their workouts.
  Arnold Schwarzenegger "saw" his biceps as "huge mountains" as he trained them. When the image was accepted by his subconscious, his biceps had no alternative but to grow bigger in
accordance with his mental picture.You may feel that concentration- and its effects on the physique-is just so much hogwash. It may seem too weird for you to waste your time with it. Well, let me tell you right now: If you do not develop this aspect of your training, you will get nowhere!
  When physical culture writers use the nebulous term concentration, they are referring to the technique of mental suggestion. They recognize that concentration is necessary, but do not
know how to trigger the mechanism that produces the phenomenon. If your mind accepts a thought as truth, your subconscious will record it as fact. Incredibly, the body, with the right
stimulus, will act out the vision and produce the condition pictured in your mind.

  If a weightlifter believes he can lift a given weight for 10 repetitions, he will succeed. If a bodybuilder sees himself as a champion, and if the boundaries of his genetic potential allow it,
he will develop that championship calibre. This pattern of believing is used by all champions in all sports, whether they know it or not.


Ого, Джинитор, а ты качок)

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